Dershowitz on Finkelstein's new book...
Alan Dershowitz is battling Norman Finkelstein...
Why would the University of California Press (UCP) be publishing a sequel to a book that several distinguished historians have compared to the notorious czarist forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion? It is by an author whose previous works were eliminated from the curriculum by the Toronto School Board because they were “anti-Semitic.” This author has also been characterized as a “writer celebrated by neo-Nazi groups for his Holocaust revisionism…,” and as a purveyor of “crackpot ideas, some of them mirrored almost verbatim in the propaganda put out by neo-Nazis….”Please read the whole thing....Finkelstein is loved by the left, by the way...
Imagine if a university press were publishing an overtly racist, sexist or homophobic book by a well-known bigot. There would be demands that the university, and the state that supports it, not lend its imprimatur to hate speech. Speech codes and political correctness would be invoked by the censorial hard left. But these same groups are now demanding the UCP change not a single word in this bigoted book by this anti-Semite.
You’ve probably never heard of the author, unless you travel in neo-Nazi, radical Islamic or hard left circles. His name is Norman Finkelstein. Yes he is a Jew. His parents were even Holocaust survivors, though he suspects his mother of having been a kapo (“really, how else would she have survived?” he asks rhetorically). He boasts that because of his parents’ status as survivors, he “can get away with things which nobody else can,” and reviewers have pointed out that if he were not Jewish, the book to which this one is a sequel “would have been dumped by the reviewers as a right-wing extremist pamphlet.”
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