
My name is Fred and I am a gay conservative living in Ottawa. This blog supports limited government, the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security, and tries to expose the threat to us all from cultural relativism, post-modernism, and radical Islam. I am also the founder of the Free Thinking Film Society in Ottawa (

Monday, August 07, 2006

Anti-semitism on the rise in Holland...

Interesting short report...but I'd like to get to the source and see the actual statistics..
The CIDI, which registers anti-Semitic activity in the Netherlands, said complaints rose dramatically after Israel invaded the Gaza Strip in June and the conflict with Lebanese group Hezbollah began last month.

CIDI spokesman Nathan Bouscher also said two of the organisers of a Jewish pro-Israel rally last week received death threats.

Phone messages included comments such as “Zionism is murder” and “Death to you dirty fascists”.

One of the organisers was also physically assaulted on the street, most likely by the same man who threatened the two by phone. The pair reported the threats to the Dutch police.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dutch want to be the first Islamic Republic in Europe, so it's only natural that they're anti-semitic.

Demographically, the Dutch have chosen Islam over openness and freedom, the next generation will simply vote for fascists when they reach 18 and there's not a damn thing old Hollanders can do about it - not that they want to, after all they're paying their Muslims a lot of money to breed their women.

2:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not sure that anti-Zionism is necessarily related to anti-Semitism (may Jews, from leftists to ultra orthodox, consider themselves anti-Zionist) although I will add the caveat that the one is often code for the other.

I imagine the political scene is pretty confused in Holland right now: the left accuses Israel of fascism, while potentially fanning anti-Semitic fascistic flames. Meanwhile, the extreme right is caught in a quandry: it is hostile to Israel and, as anti-immigrant, is also hostile to Dutch Muslims.

The Dutch have won a reputation for tolerance 'a la libertarienne' but their history reveals a darker side: fascism was quite popular in the Netherlands before and during WW2. Canada really emphasises our role in the liberation of that country, while assiduously ignoring the fact that the stiffest resistance our troops faced came not from Germans but from the homegrown Nazis of the Dutch Waffen-SS and auxiliary/home guard units.

11:10 AM  
Blogger GayandRight said...

Some jews are anti-zionist for sure...but not 'many'...a very, very small minority.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Rogier said...

" Canada really emphasises our role in the liberation of that country, while assiduously ignoring the fact that the stiffest resistance our troops faced came not from Germans but from the homegrown Nazis of the Dutch Waffen-SS and auxiliary/home guard units"

My god, what a bunch of crap. Dutch Waffen SS! There wasnt even a Dutch waffen SS. There was only NSB, and they weren't active during fights. The fierce resistance was at Arnhem, after the allied forces drove trough Eindhoven and Nijmegen quite smoothly, with a lot of help from the Dutch resistance. They were stuck at Arnhem because they didnt know there was a German pantzerdivision there.

Andrew, please deepen yourself in history before u write down such enormous crap.

12:44 PM  

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