
My name is Fred and I am a gay conservative living in Ottawa. This blog supports limited government, the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security, and tries to expose the threat to us all from cultural relativism, post-modernism, and radical Islam. I am also the founder of the Free Thinking Film Society in Ottawa (

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The link between Feminism and the rise of Islam...

This is a remarkable article on the feminist war against boys and how it paved the way for the rise of Islam in the west.
This last point is worth dwelling with. The elaborate welfare state model in Western Europe is frequently labelled as “the nanny state,” but perhaps it could also be named “the husband state.” Why? Well, in a traditional society, the role of men and husbands is to physically protect and financially provide for their women. In our modern society, part of this task has simply been “outsourced” to the state, which helps explain why women in general give a disproportionate support to high taxation and pro-welfare state parties. The state has simply become a substitute husband, upheld by taxation of their ex-husbands.

It should be mentioned that if this welfare state should for some reason cease to function, for instance due to economic and security pressures caused by Muslim immigration, Western women will suddenly discover that they are not quite as independent from men as they like to think. In this case, it is conceivable that we will se a return to the modern traditional “provide and protect” masculinity, as people, and women in particular, will need the support of the nuclear and extended family to manage.

Another issue is that although countries such as Norway and Sweden like to portray themselves as havens of gender equality, I have heard visitors to these countries comment that the sexes are probably further apart here than anywhere else in the world. And I readily believe that. Radical feminism has bred suspicion and hostility, not cooperation. And what’s more, it has no in any way eradicated the basic sexual attraction between feminine women and masculine men. If people do not find this in their own country, they travel to another country or culture to find it, which in our age of globalization is easier than ever. A striking number of Scandinavian men find their wives in East Asia, Latin America or other nations with a more traditional view of femininity, and a number of women find partners from more conservative countries, too. Not everyone, of course, but the trend is unmistakable and significant. Scandinavians celebrate “gender equality,” and travel to the other side of the world to find somebody actually worth marrying.

To sum it up, it must be said that radical feminism has been one of the most important causes of the current weakness of Western civilization, both culturally and demographically. Feminists, often with a Marxist world view, have been a crucial component in establishing the suffocating public censorship of Political Correctness in Western nations. They have also severely weakened the Western family structure, and contributed to making the West too soft and self-loathing to deal with aggression from Muslims.
This is one of the best article I have read in a long, long time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For god's sake, Fred. Get a grip.

5:03 PM  
Blogger Ryan Ringer said...

I agree with him, we should all live in traditional families, husband and wife, one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others, for the good of our gender relations (or whatever) and stop the Muslim hordes that threaten to tear down the gate and sack western society.

2:24 AM  
Blogger OreamnosAmericanus said...

Feminism plays a crucial role in contemporary liberalism, part of its general goal of destablizing and downgrading every traditionally successful group in order to replace them with traditionally inferior groups, aka, victims. Feminism can never be "just" about female equality. It must also, and does, attack the very idea of manhood and all its associated attitudes, ideas and behaviors. In order for women to be equal, men must cease to be men.

The feminization of the West shows up in the half-hearted and sentimental way in which so many of us respond to threats and to actual attack. Our leaders act like schoolmarms in the play yard. Male aggression and male ranking behavior --necessary to the survival of the species and to any group within it-- are pathologized for us. The irony is that Islam, the most violently and thuggishly patriarchal religion in history, gets a pass for its aggression and utterly untroubled assertion of superiority because Westerners are obsessed with self-accusatory anxiety about failing the canons of feminist propriety( related intimately to multiculturalism, redistributionism, etc...all the "progressive" causes),

Feminism and the rise of Islam? On the international front, I'd say yes, for the reasons above. On an individual or group level, many men would find Islam a haven and a revenge for their wounded masculinity in this most male of all religions.

I have already gotten, Anne, a grip.

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



12:51 PM  

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