
My name is Fred and I am a gay conservative living in Ottawa. This blog supports limited government, the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security, and tries to expose the threat to us all from cultural relativism, post-modernism, and radical Islam. I am also the founder of the Free Thinking Film Society in Ottawa (

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Macleans and Mark Steyn vs. CIC...

Why don't human rights commissions care about free speech? This is a terrific opinion piece by John Robson of the Ottawa Citizen...

What can I say about hate speech investigations into Maclean's magazine?

I mean that literally. This used to be a free country where we had the hard-won right to speak our minds without fear. But now the Canadian Islamic Congress has complained about a Mark Steyn piece in Maclean's to the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal and to the Canadian and Ontario Human Rights Commissions and, according to Maclean's national editor Andrew Coyne, the first two have agreed to "launch inquiries" into the complaints while the third is dithering. The CHRC, incidentally, won't confirm or deny this claim. Something about open government, I believe.

Now what? If I write about censorship will the censors censor that? If I were to defend someone's right in principle to be rude about radical Islam, it might constitute my being rude in practice about radical Islam which might be misunderstood by hypersensitive types as rudeness toward Islam generally which might be misunderstood as hate speech rather than just bad manners. Who knows?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason Human Rights Commissions don't care about free speech is because their sole purpose for existance is to punish freedom of thought, action or deed. They are created for the sole purpose of imposing a left wing politically correct ideology on society. That is their funciton. Anyone speaking or acting in any way that impinges on their edicts must be silenced. To do otherwise would call into question their raison d'etre.

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr.Elmasry is about to do what the Nazis could never do during WWII , he and his Sharia-Law buddies over at will inflict such a Psychological Terrorism that our Charter Of Right will be useless for protecting any Public opinon that may hurt the feelings of some Muslims.
The MSM is already worried about becoming the next Theo van Gogh just for the hint at offending the Islamofascists in canada that are waiting for the magic Population number to make Canada a Caliphate with Sharia law to mete out Justice and punishment if you happen to be gay, jewish, Christian, smokers, or a rape victim that named a Teddy bear Muhammed while holding a Cartoon of Muhammad.

As much as we in the West disliked and abhored the Nazis , at least they had the guts to wear Uniforms and show themselves so we new who the enemy was , but the Elmasry's in canada hide in civilian clothes and work at our Universities poisoning your youth with tripe like his rant on Michael Coren Live where Elamsry declared that "All Israelis over 18 are valid targets for murder by suicide bomber because of the State Military system" , and yet little was done and CAIR actually defended him.

Elmasry is also on record at a Parliamentry committee making THREATS to canada about Terrorizing Muslim youth to the point where they may have no choice but to do Jihad to get Justice and stop the oppression and occupation of Afghanistan .

The Nazis and SS made it clear what they stood for and didn't hide in civilian clothes or run to Human Rights Commisions to claim that Mein Kampht was "Taken out of context" and Hitler was a man of peace and embrace pluralistic societies.
Many people died rather than submit to the Nazi rule , but the Islamists will murder any civilain with bombs strapped to them while dressing in a way to blend in a pretend to be one of us.

Read up on how the grand Muffti
of Jeruselam was buddies with Hitler and the Germany SS had a Muslim division for the African Corp to help in the Final Solution.

3:17 PM  

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