This makes me want to eat a hamburger....
Leave it to the UN - telling people to eat less meat to fight global warming....
People should have one meat-free day a week if they want to make a personal and effective sacrifice that would help tackle climate change, the world's leading authority on global warming has told The Observer
Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which last year earned a joint share of the Nobel Peace Prize, said that people should then go on to reduce their meat consumption even further.
Perhaps you didn't see Mr. Dion's gaffes this morning:
During the press conference immediately following his speech on the election call, Mr. Dion told people for more in formation on his 'green shift', that they should go to
During an interview with Lloyd Robertson a short while later, he no less than twice, suggested again that for more info on his 'green shift' that they go to
Well I, like Lloyd Robertson, did actually go to and this is what we get, (the home page of Green Shift company).I can understand him making this gaff once but to do so three times within a one or two hour period brings into question what kind of assistants does he have, and how can he be so error prone? This site, of the real green shift company, points out that they are suing the Liberals for infringing on their name.
I agree,in fact, we should go further and people should stop eating altogether until the population is down to one third, thus averting the global warming disaster. I also think the UN should lead by example and they should go first.
Leave it to a Tory to actively discourage someone from making positive lifestyle changes because they are too narrow minded to see beyond their own partisanship. You are ridiculous.
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Positive life style change is one thing. Linking that to stopping Global warming is another. Oh, just exactly what IS global warming? We've been waiting for it for 10 yrs now, but it's getting colder. Oh and have you heard anything about Sunspots? Might wanna take your head out of the sand and stop being a blind Liberal supporter.
Oh, the irony!
It seems that, for just once, we Catholics are ahead of the curve in Political Correctness Land.
'Scuse me while I go laugh my dingleberries off... ;)
What does being Catholic have anything to do with anything? Religion is the cause of most the worlds problems.
If G-d didn't mean for us to eat meat He wouldn't have made animals out of it.
If animal farts contribute to global hysteria, shouldn't we eat more the evil little bastards?
Either way, if it doesn't have dead animal flesh it's not a real meal, at most it's a snack.
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