
My name is Fred and I am a gay conservative living in Ottawa. This blog supports limited government, the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security, and tries to expose the threat to us all from cultural relativism, post-modernism, and radical Islam. I am also the founder of the Free Thinking Film Society in Ottawa (

Monday, January 12, 2009

NATO's war against Serbia..

This is from an article in Ma'ariv, but I don't have a link to it...sorry.
"We'll conquer Rome. And then all of Europe. And when we're done with Europe we'll conquer the two Americas. And we won't pass up on Eastern Europe either."

The spokesman, who clearly seems to need a lot of living space, went on to say that the Jews needed to be annihilated. Sounds like Hitler. Talks like Hitler. But it was only a Hitler knock-off. The above statements were made by Dr. Younes al-Astal, a Hamas Member of Parliament. His clear statements about a take-over of the world by radical Islam, are not classified. They are available to anyone who wants a video recording from the Hamas TV broadcasts, and appear on Memri's website. Provided that someone is listening. And provided that anyone wants to present the world with the truth about Hamas. But official Israel, along with its entire public relations office that was built, has refrained thus far from passing on the clear message, as demonstrated by this and other documented evidence as well, about what Hamas's substance is. I wish that were the only failure. There are many others.

The refugees thought that they had found shelter. They were wrong. The bombs were dropped on them from the planes above, killing more than 100 of them. This isn't a story from this week in Gaza. It's a story that took place in the former Yugoslavia. The air strikes were carried out by NATO. It happened less than ten years ago, on May 13, 1999. There is more. On April 12 NATO planes killed, by accident of course, 12 civilians. On April 14 they killed 70 refugees. On April 27 they killed 16 civilians. On May first 23 people were killed when a bus was bombed. On May 6, 16 people were killed from a cluster bomb. On May 19 a hospital in Belgrade was bombed. Three people were killed. On May 30, 11 people were killed when a bridge was bombed. That very same day a retirement home was bombed and 20 of its residents were killed. By the bye, NATO also bombed the Chinese embassy and a missile that went 30 miles off course hit Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Sorry, mistake, said the NATO spokesman. Because that's what happens in wars. It's sad, it's regrettable, and the Europeans are welcome to remember not only their distant past when they bombed the residents of Dresden, but also the near past, before they preach morality to Israel. Because Israel hasn't and will not reach even one-tenth or one-one-hundredth of the number of innocent people who have been killed by the democratic states of Europe in the framework of just wars.


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