
My name is Fred and I am a gay conservative living in Ottawa. This blog supports limited government, the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security, and tries to expose the threat to us all from cultural relativism, post-modernism, and radical Islam. I am also the founder of the Free Thinking Film Society in Ottawa (

Friday, March 20, 2009

Why is female circumcisions still happening in the UK???

A serious problem...and when will the government really address it???
The NHS is to advertise free operations to reverse female circumcisions, with experts warning that each year more than 500 British girls have their genitals mutilated.

Despite having been outlawed in 1985, female circumcision is still practised in British African communities, in some cases on girls as young as 5. Police have been unable to bring a single prosecution even though they suspect that community elders are being flown from the Horn of Africa to carry out the procedures.

The advertisement will appear from next month on a Somali satellite TV station much viewed in Britain. It features Juliet Albert, a midwife who does the reverse operations, and promises, in English and Somali, confidentiality for victims of female genital mutilation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why? Because Freedom of Religion tops every other law out there, and as such, every nut with a self-proclaimed religion (or any mainstream religion with a bias against women) can make laws as they please and claim Freedom of Religion when the criminal law (or common sense) come knocking on their door.
This is Liberalism gone bad.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why? People practice sexual mutilation on both boys and girls, because it is either cultural habit or religious requirement. It has been going on for so long that no one can remember how and why it started. The typically banal rationalizations include the following: it is required by divine commandment, it promotes better health and cleansiness, the opposite sex prefers it, it is culural, it does not make any difference, it discourages masturbation and sexual promiscuity, ad nauseam.

In addition, contrary to popular belief, the sexual mutilation of girls is not a religious requirement in Islam. There is no mention of it in the Koran. The only mention of it in the Hadith is that there is no reason to do it, and no reason not to do it. In addition, across Sub-Saharan Africa, the cutting of girls is common cultural practice whether Christian, Muslim or even Jewish as is the case for Ethiopian Jews (Falashas).

A rational person can see it for what it is and urge that these stupid and harmful practices be discontinued, at least the involuntary sexual mutilation of children that is. It is your body, your choice. When you come of age, you are free to have all the piercings, tattoos, and cosmetic surgeries you please.

10:06 AM  
Blogger KURSK said...

Spend some tax dollars to promote the idea that if you are caught doing this to your children, they will be removed and become wards of the state.You will then be deported to whatever third world cesspool you came from, to continue practicing your barbarity on your own half pence.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Muslims that do this abhorrent cultural mutilation are not British and have no intention of being British. They are part of the grand Caliphate and despise the western society they inhabit. I have Christian friends who couldn't leave Pakistan fast enough - the society was becoming more radicalized and it was difficult for people who were not Muslim to worship, work, shop or simply go out of the house. It was impossible to breathe much less live a normal life. So much for Sharia Law. Where are all those children's health advocates and feminists when this abuse occurs? Hiding behind the black burka.

12:55 PM  

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