
My name is Fred and I am a gay conservative living in Ottawa. This blog supports limited government, the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security, and tries to expose the threat to us all from cultural relativism, post-modernism, and radical Islam. I am also the founder of the Free Thinking Film Society in Ottawa (

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Global warming has stopped....but the alarmists keep goingg on....

Yes, if they have their way, they'll make flying a crime...
Does one not get the feeling that all this propaganda over the terrifying threat of global warming is beginning ever so slightly to turn people’s minds? Caroline Lucas MEP, the leader of the Green Party, last week agreed on television that flying to Spain was “as bad as knifing a person in the street”, because air travel like this is causing people to die “from climate change”.

Dr Richard Dixon, director of the Scottish WWF, was at the same time claiming that failing to ensure one’s home is “energy efficient” was a “moral crime”, as “anti-social as drink driving”, and “we should be having a discussion as to whether it should become an actual crime”.

This echoed the recent observation of Ed Miliband, our Energy and Climate Change Secretary, that opposing wind farms should be as “socially unacceptable” as not wearing a seatbelt. Meanwhile, no doubt encouraged by this kind of talk from ministers, 100 “climate campaigners” were arrested by the police, who feared they were planning to put out of action a coal-fired power station in Nottinghamshire, to stop it continuously contributing to the National Grid 1,000 megawatts of electricity – considerably more than the average output of all the 2,400 wind turbines in the country.

This is the same grid, of course, 75 per cent powered by nasty, dirty, CO2 emitting fossil fuels, which Gordon Brown hopes will secretly power the electric cars he proposes to give customers £5,000 each to buy in order to help save the planet – even though his grants won’t be available until 2012. Meanwhile, as 17 of our major power stations are likely to close within six years, thanks to obsolescence and EU rules, Mr Brown shows remarkably little interest in how we are going to keep Britain’s lights on (although certainly no less, to be fair, than does Mr Cameron).

Truly these days, in more ways than one, are we moving towards a new dark age. Fortunately, however, the latest available data show the downward trend in global temperatures continuing, At least the one thing we don’t need to worry about, it seems, is global warming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're quite right, Fred.

The bright bulbs might bear Caroline Lucas' curious analogy in mind the next time they organize one of those global warming mega bru-ha-has (Bali, I think it was last time, or was it Kenya? It's hard to keep track of their travels).

One thing's for sure, Caroline Lucas certainly can pick prescient examples. It seems like only yesterday--though I think it was last year--that Suzuki and his kid (and goodness knows how many others in their entourage) flew to Spain on our nickel (the CBC's nickel actually, but same thing) to effuse over Spain's stellar environmental performance (not difficult in a land of virtual continuous sunshine and mild temperatures--but debatable given their penchant for urban sprawl in coastal areas--and berate dirty old backward Canada. That was right after his much reported CBC-financed tour of Cuba to show us how wonderful life is in a subtropical 'sustainable' communist dictatorship which doesn't even come close to feeding itself.

Speaking of Suzuki, we haven't seen anything current from him (although his airbrushed photo is on the back of every second bus here in Ontario)throughout the winter. The Seychelles, perhaps?

Thank you for allowing me my little rant. I feel better now! =P

4:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you haven't seen anything new from David Suzuki, but the foundation recently published a guide on how to green your business, which is small business and large corporation friendly alike. Also - global warming hasn't stopped. Maybe you should change the name of this blog to Gay and Wrong.

4:55 PM  

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