
My name is Fred and I am a gay conservative living in Ottawa. This blog supports limited government, the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security, and tries to expose the threat to us all from cultural relativism, post-modernism, and radical Islam. I am also the founder of the Free Thinking Film Society in Ottawa (

Friday, April 24, 2009

Woman fractures baby's skull...released because she has suffered...

This sort of justice happens all the time...this case is from the UK...
A woman who battered a nine-week-old baby in an horrific attack has avoided jail after a judge decided she had already suffered enough.

Claire Thompson, 32, who had been entrusted with looking after the infant, was found guilty in March of fracturing its skull, breaking a rib and inflicting up to three leg fractures.

An expert at her trial said the skull fracture was probably caused by the baby's head hitting a hard surface with force, the rib was probably broken by severe squeezing and the the leg bones were likely to have been fractured by forceful pulling or twisting, or by violent shaking.

But yesterday Judge David Goodin spared Thompson from prison, handing her a nine-month suspended prison sentence, ordering her to do 200 hours of community service and telling her to pay £500 costs.

Hearing that she had 'lost everything' following the assault, he heaped praise on her character and told her she had already suffered more than any sentence he could impose on her.

Judge Goodin said: 'All evidence simply confirms you to be an industrious, decent and placid well-liked young woman who was slow to anger and disinclined to confrontation.'

He added: 'The only sensible explanation for these injuries must have been a sudden and momentary loss of control.'


Anonymous Pongo said...

If it is any consolation to the parents of the battered infant, this stupid woman was convicted and sentenced for her crime. This conviction goes on her permanent record and the notoriety she has received from the publication of the details of her crime will ensure that she remains a pariah for years to come. No one is going to be interested in hiring her or having her as a tenant. She has to live with knowledge of what she did to a nine week old infant for the rest of her days.

Still, one wonders what the outcome might be had it been a man who committed this foul crime. My impression is that the judge would have asked him, before passing sentence "do you have any last words?"

11:48 AM  
Blogger Roy Eappen said...

Absolutely disgusting. I hope the parents sue her and attach her wages for her entire life.

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a considerable amount of unreported information regarding this lengthy trial. The main one is that the baby showed no external signs of injury nor any distress, such as crying. It was only a second opinion on a fuzzy X-ray that led to the case. The only evidence was one expert witness's opinion on the X-ray without seeing the baby; the others disagreed. The health visitor and other carers including the defendant saw nothing serious wrong with the baby. The jury presumably believed the eccentric expert witness. The case is far from over.

7:01 AM  

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