
My name is Fred and I am a gay conservative living in Ottawa. This blog supports limited government, the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security, and tries to expose the threat to us all from cultural relativism, post-modernism, and radical Islam. I am also the founder of the Free Thinking Film Society in Ottawa (

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hitchens likes Ezra.......

I'm not surprised that Christopher Hitchens liked Ezra Levant's book....because it's terrific...
In the interview you did with Rabbi David Wolpe in November, you said that “The Europeans have imported into the center of their society the resources and the population of a future Jihad, something that wants to take away everything they’ve got, change all their laws and alter all their customs. And it’s on the future of that struggle upon which everything will depend.”

You can see it here, too. I said the Europeans, but it’s true of Ontario also. It’s not yet true in any major part of the United States except perhaps New York, but that will change soon enough. When I was a kid in England, immigration was a controversy. We were talking about upholding the rights of British passport-holding Asians in Uganda who were thrown out by Idi Amin, or in Kenya where they were being purged because they weren’t African enough. And I thought, well, one, we have a legal obligation to them; two, they’re being terribly persecuted; and three, we’d be very lucky to get them, because they’re a fantastically talented, educated population. We were very lucky to get them. What I had not noticed, and people like Hanif Kureishi and Nadim Aslam and to an extent, Salman Rushdie, started pointing out, was that the guys who are coming from the backlands of Pakistan, these people would be considered very, very reactionary in Pakistan. And they’re colonizing cities in Yorkshire. A lot of people captured in arms, with Taliban uniforms in Pakistan, have Bradford Yorkshire accents. We didn’t see this coming, and it’s not going to get any better. It’s getting certainly much worse. And you think it’s not going to happen to you? Think again, it is going to happen to you. And it will be smuggled through your customs by multiculturalism. I’ve just been reading Ezra Levant — very good book. I very much applauded his stand against this, how dare they call it a human rights commission. I like the way he talks and the way he thinks.


Blogger somercet said...

Ooooh... nice interview, and next issue they'll interview Camille Paglia!


7:14 AM  

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