Even many greens are against this...
Half of the green movement is against this giant wind farm in the UK.
The 27 giant wind turbines, each nearly 400ft high and needing 1,000-ton concrete bases and a substantial network of access roads, will be sited immediately above two valleys, Bretherdale and Borrowdale, which Alfred Wainwright, the celebrated Lake District guidebook author, said were the most beautiful in the Lakes outside the national park itself.When even half the greens are against wind power, well, what does that tell you?
Furthermore, the turbines will be visible for miles around and constitute - objectors say - an unacceptable intrusion on a landscape whose special qualities of remoteness and solitude are enjoyed every years by millions of people.
The opponents say this damage is not justified by the relatively small amount of electricity the wind farm will generate - a theoretical maximum of 67 megawatts, but in practice likely to be considerably less, as wind turbines do not work when the wind is too low and are shut down when the wind is too strong. A big, CO2-spouting coal-fired power station generates about 1,200 megawatts.
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