Male victims of domestic violence don't go to the police....
Notice the incredible bias against men from the Stats Canada people.
Most victims of spousal violence only report the abuse to police once -- even though the violence frequently involves multiple incidents, a new report has revealed.We know from previous reports that domestic spousal abuse is equal between the sexes....but it is now clear that few men report spousal abuse. Note how Stats Canada wants to spin it - saying that women without children are least likely to turn to police....but shouldn't it be men who are the least likely???
The Statistics Canada study, which is based on police records from 1994-2005, shows that eight out of 10 offenders were reported only once.
Women are twice as likely to report abuse than men, and aboriginals more likely than non-aborginals, the report says.
Those aged 15 to 24 were most likely to report spousal violence to the police, while those aged 35 and older were least likely to go to police.
The violence is also more likely to be reported if children are witnesses to the violence, or if a person has had contact with a social-service agency in the past.
Appearing on Newsnet, Karen Mihorean, of Statistics Canada, said "women without children are least likely to turn to police."
In general, Mihorean said, women are "twice as likely as men to report to police, simply because women are more likely to experience violence."
Could you point to one of these reports that shows that men and women are roughly equally victims of domestic violence? Becasue it would shock me to learn that men are more likely to commit every type of violent offence there is, except domestic violence.
I had never heard a suggestion, ever, that men are as victimized by domestic abuse as women, or even close. So while perhaps "we" SHOULD know this from "previous reports" I've never seen one.
Here is the link:
An estimated 7% of women and 6% of men in a current or previous spousal relationship encountered spousal violence during the five years up to and including 2004, according to a comprehensive new report on family violence.
Pretty close, no?
Too easy LKO. Here's one:
Statistics Canada, The Daily, July 14, 2005
"An estimated 7% of women and 6% of men in a current or previous spousal relationship encountered spousal violence during the five years up to and including 2004, according to a comprehensive new report on family violence."
What do lawyers and judges say about male victims of domestic violence? From Canada's Department of Justice (about 2/3 of the way down:
"A lawyer from Nova Scotia said that the biggest problem is that men will not admit being abused. Even if it is reported, they often don't want you to do anything about it. The issue only comes out after there is an establishment of trust between the lawyer and the client. Men will often not see themselves as victims of abuse, but will admit that inappropriate actions have taken place, e.g., their spouse hit them, or pushed them."
"[One lawyer] said that one time when he raised the issue of a male client being abused, the judge nearly threw him out of court."
"This [lawyer] said that they were also almost thrown out of court for raising issues of violence against men."
Of course there are no shelters for men and their children fleeing domestic violence at the hands of their spouses, yet another reason why not much is heard about male victims of domestic violence.
There's one major flaw in the numbers Stats-Can likes to throw around, the reports for spousal abuse implies every female is heterosexual and is abused by a male partner.
I've already checked this issue
about 4 years ago, the Police and Shelters don't list lesbian partners as a same gender assault.
Lesbians beat the crap out of each other all the time, I wonder if they include those stats in the machine that goes bing. 'Bing'...
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