
My name is Fred and I am a gay conservative living in Ottawa. This blog supports limited government, the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security, and tries to expose the threat to us all from cultural relativism, post-modernism, and radical Islam. I am also the founder of the Free Thinking Film Society in Ottawa (

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The purpose of Bali - Talk, Talk, Talk, and bash the US.....

The whole thing was just ridiculous...and the end result worthless...
As those 10,000 weary delegates were at last able to jet off home from 10 days on their holiday isle, perhaps the best summing up of what they had achieved came from Humberto Rosa, head of the delegation representing the European Union.

"It is exactly what we wanted," he said. "We are very pleased. We will now have two tremendously demanding years, starting in January. Many meetings, many discussions, many people passing many hours doing things."

The basic purpose of Bali, as we were tirelessly reminded by the BBC, Al Gore, old Uncle Ban Ki-moon and pretty well everyone else, was that this vast assemblage of people should gather together to vilify George Bush.

It was he alone who stood in the way of saving the planet, by refusing even to sign Kyoto into law, let alone participate in the new historic agreement which is to follow, and to discuss which Bali was all about.

(It is conveniently forgotten that it was the US Senate which unanimously voted not to ratify Kyoto in 1998, when the vice-president of the USA was Al Gore).

In the end, as in all good comedies, the "baddies" came round to the side of light, the US representative made her "climbdown" by saying that her country was now ready to join the "consensus", and everyone could go home happy.

The reality of Bali, however, was that all this vilification of America as the "world's worst polluter" was only displacement activity - to disguise the fact that, when it comes to the crunch, no one is really prepared to step off the bandwagon of economic growth, by making the unthinkable sacrifices which would be required if any of them actually meant what they said.

They are all happy to work themselves into an intense state of excitement by chanting their quasi-religious mantra: that there is now "absolute scientific consensus" that Planet Earth is doomed unless we cut our carbon emissions by 50 per cent by 2050.

But no one is prepared to take any serious step towards that inconceivable goal unless everyone else jumps too.

America refused to ratify Kyoto because it didn't include the "developing countries" such as China, still building a new coal-fired power station every four days and about to overtake the US as the world's leading CO2 emitter.

China and India say they cannot be expected to cut their emissions until they have caught up economically with the already industrialised nations which caused all that rise in CO2 in the first place.

The European Union likes to claim that it is "leading the world on climate change", while Germany builds 26 new coal-fired power stations, Britain plans to double its number of air passengers and the EU's emissions continue to rise (just when America's last year actually fell).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prime Minister Harper and John Baird disgraced and mortified all Canadians, and especially authentic small-c fiscal conservatives, in Bali yesterday by caving into the socialists advocates who insist on annihilating their countries’ economies simply to satisfy the extreme left-wing, fear mongers who are frantically whining about “so-called man-made” climate change.

By embracing unrealistic and unapproachable targets of 25 to 40 per cent for gas emissions comrades Harper and Baird have contracted to diminish Canadian’s standard of living to the extent that our imminent standard of living will more closely duplicate Cuba’s than that of a country belong to the industrial first world.

While socialists Harper and Baird were very willing to at least partially devastate Canada’s future manufacturing capability, they decline to insist that countries, which produce more greenhouse gas emissions than Canada, such as India and China need not obligate to rigorous, economy destroying regulations and caps. Why should China be allowed to continue putting one high polluting, old-age technological coal-fired hydro-electric plant on line per week while future Canadians freeze in the dark, with much less manufacturing capability to produce wealth, and thus a higher standard of living?

What do Mr. Baird and our left-wing Prime Minister have against Canadians that he prefers to comply with and appease the Indians and communists, human rights abusing Chinese at our expense? Why must future Canadians live in poverty so that the Prime Ministers friends in quasi-democratic India and Marxists China can have a future with superior standards of living than us? Why dose our left wing Prime Minister and the socialists leaders of all opposition parties want to obliterate our economic growth capability?

Legitimate small-c conservatives are demanding the resignation of Harper and Baird; they obviously will be happier in the NDP with the rest of the Marxists Morons

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the last paragraph of the article:

"As for the armadas of politicians and officials, as the man from the EU said, they can look forward to "many meetings, many discussions, many people passing many hours doing things", lasting from here to the crack of doom (which incidentally may never arrive, because, though CO2 levels are still rising, global temperatures are not - a fact mentioned in Bali by precisely no one)."

The result of Bali is about what I hoped for. We now have a couple more years for the earth NOT to warm and to get the message out that CO2 warming is a lie.

The Harper Government will try to make some cuts here but I suspect they will be targeted toward real pollution, not CO2 specifically. The Feds are buying time as they know that the IPCC and Kyoto-2 will likely fall apart. I do whatever I can to help it fall apart every day.

2:08 PM  

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