
My name is Fred and I am a gay conservative living in Ottawa. This blog supports limited government, the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security, and tries to expose the threat to us all from cultural relativism, post-modernism, and radical Islam. I am also the founder of the Free Thinking Film Society in Ottawa (

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Now, Olivia Chow is for Free Speech???

Well, look who's talking...
The NDP, however, denounced the decision as an example of the Harper government limiting free speech by political opponents. NDP MP Olivia Chow called Kenney "the minister of censorship" and referred to the case of William Ayers, a former student radical-turned education professor who was turned back at the Canadian border when he arrived at Toronto's island airport from Chicago last year.

"They're afraid of free speech. It's a bunker mentality and very isolationist," Chow said.
Gee, Isn't the NDP the party that LOVES Human Rights Commissions, loves campus speech codes, and incessantly wails about 'islamophobia'....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how the NDP all of a sudden cares about free speech.

As long as it pertains to them.

The NDP should be disbaded and could join the far left who are organising a "peace" protest April 4th.

I wonder if the loons will call Obama "Bush Lite". If you want to find out who supports the NDP, then go to that rally.

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She'll be tootin' for Gorgeous George by midweek.

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awhile back a posted a article by a Reporter that was at a Galloway rally at U of T where Olivia and Jack were also at,I try to find the story because it almost exp-loded my head when i read how Olivia joined in an Standing Ovation for George right after he fired-up the mob by claiming the the 24 canadians on 9/11 that were slaughtered by 19 Muslims had "Deserved" it for suppporting Israel which was murdering Muslims.
Chow,Layton and the NDP ared now tied to Hamas via CAIR-Canada/Sheema Khan/maher Arar because the FBI just officially linked Nihad Awad and CAIR to terrorism funding via the bogus Islamic Charity ( the same Charity Arar claimed he was to work for in the USA).

BTW, I heard Chow's interview on 640am radio and she made me laugh about her stance on respecting Canada's Democracy even if Harper doesn't.
Wait.....didn't the NDP become part of the 3-Stooges in the "Coup-Scam" right after the Democratic Election that Layton didn't like but should have respected??????

Olivia also back Mr.Ayres coming to canada because he hadn't been "Charged" and convicted for any crime, BUT...when asked about the anti-gay Minister from the USA that wanted to attend a pro-gay event to mock gays....Olivia said that THAT case was valid because the Minister would violate our Laws for Hate-Speech .
Oh...I get it Olivia, in your Pro-Fascist world of backing the Islamist and China's mass mudering of civilians....YOU are now the Self-Appointed censor to stop anyone from entering canada becau8se you know EXACTLY what they are thinking and what laws they will break.
Funny how she never mention the Concordia riots by the Muslim/Palestinian thugs in cnada as foreign students , these violent yahoos did want a JEW on the Campus because this JEW was a terrorist in their eyes.

Too bad Olivia doesn't go on a trip to any of her Utopic nations like Saudi Arabia,Iran,Afghanistan,Syria,and Palestine.
We could all wave good bye to her and wait for the Beheading video of her crying out to the camera that islam means peace and Poverty had created her killers, I'm wonder if Jack will miss those mindless tyrades and hollow rants as she proudly displays her braless image and poor english skills when bashing the JEWS and Americans.
No wonder the US car makers want out of canada,it's only a matter of time befor one of the Auto Plants is bombed by a suicide bomber praising Allah which Olivia and Galloway will exalt as a hero for murdering canadians because we support a democracy in the Middle east that DOESN'T murder gays in public or execute female for offending Allah.

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always wondered which is the more stupid; Ms. Chow or the idiot she is married to. Just when I think I've got it pinned down, one or the other the other makes a comment that causes me to change my mind. So, I guess it's back to my original evaluation of this Mutt & Geoff duet: they are a pair of arrogant, supercilious twits that dwell in a fantasy world where decisions are best left to the superior intellects on the left.

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not an issue of free speech, it's whether or not Galloway's speech would result in more persecution of law abiding citizens of Canada. It's the Border Agency's responsibility to err on the side of caution in the best interests of Canadians. That Chow can't see that, or refuses to, suggests to me that she is an anti-Semitic sympathizer.

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Below is a copy of a article posted on the BBc website from 2005when Galloway re-enforced the StereoType that Muslims are prone to violence and murder.
Note how Galloway has no choice but to admit the London murders WERE Muslims and were tied to islam, BUT....he then justifies the mass murder because WE made them do it as if they have NO self-conrol when killing of Allah.

Olivia Chow should pay special attention to the last point he makes because he warns Canadians that we are next for a transit murder by Muslims if we don't leave Afghanistan.
Galloway presupposes Muslims will murder civilains for Allah because the Quran orders them to, this is so insulting and racist to assume all Muslims are violent and it's just a matter of time for Toronto and Montreal to have our Muslims start slaughtering canadians via Suicide bombers on the TTC and Metro.
Galloway speaks volumes by what he doesn't say because he has yet to declare Muslims ARE peacefull loving persons that aren't predisposed to violence.

Galloway merely backs all the assertions about Islam and Muslims by tipping us off to a future mass murder by Muslims and the excuse is that were in iraq and Afghanistan.


Galloway: Bombings price of Iraq

Mr Galloway was a vocal opponent of the Iraq war
Londoners have paid the price for Iraq and Afghanistan, says George Galloway.
The Respect MP, whose Bethnal Green and Bow constituency includes the site of at least one of the bomb attacks, said the attacks were "despicable".

He told the Commons it was the US-led coalition's actions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo which had inflamed hatred of the West in the Muslim world.

But minister Adam Ingram accused Mr Galloway of "dipping his poisonous tongue in a pool of blood".

The armed forces minister added that Mr Galloway's comments were "disgraceful".

Same mistakes?

Earlier Mr Galloway said he was absolutely clear the bombings had been carried out by Islamic extremists inspired by Osama Bin Laden's world outlook.

I don't believe Mr Blair or Mr Bush are capable of solving this problem

He argued that the bombings had not come out of the "clear blue sky" - the background was the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, photographs of abuses by US troops at Abu Ghraib prison and the continuing confinement of people by America at Guantanamo.

**Mr Galloway said the West was in danger of making the same mistakes over and over again, continuing with "war and occupation as the principal instrument of our foreign and defence policy".**


Seems pretty clear to me, Galloway is setting-up Muslims for a future terrorism slaughter in canada to civilains and he can trace it back to this article where he warned us.

Sounds so much like the violent Misogenynist that threatens his spouse that is she ever accusing him of being violent and oppressive he will have no chice but to pound the crap out of her one day , and he'll use the threat to remind her when he does re-arrange her face.
Galloway has learn well from Muhammed and the islamist thugs in gaza who inflict fear to control people and even justify their violence because someone MADE them a terrorist or rapist.

Yes I do hate Chow with a passion because she bitches and whine about canada and white people , but won't go live in one of her Utopic nations like Iran, palestine,saudi Arabia, Egypt,Cuba,China,Syria or any other fascist hell-hole that would kill her in a flash for spewing hate and not wearing a bra which offends Allah .

8:06 PM  

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