Stop wearing the Keffiyeh.....

The keffiyeh fashion trend has finally hit America hard — and it’s no longer exclusive to Muslim students on college campuses who support Palestinian terror. Howard Dean wore a keffiyeh in early 2007. And it isn’t just the leftists. John McCain’s daughter, Megan McCain, has also been seen sporting this foolish trend during her father’s presidential campaign in 2008.
In Europe and America the keffiyeh is often worn around the neck as a scarf. It can also be draped around a person’s shoulders. Arafat, who made the keffiyeh famous, was almost always photographed with his distinctive black and white scarf. This item, as it was worn by Yasser Arafat, was typically held in place by a circular rope or agal. Unlike other Middle Eastern dress items the keffiyeh has become the trademark symbol of Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). This movement, moreover, is clear concerning its goals to annihilate Jews. The keffiyehs sold at Urban Outfitters and other popular shops are often the same color as Arafat’s.
Urban Outfitters calls their keffiyeh the “anti-war woven scarf.” Considering the violence associated with the Palestinian Liberation Organization, calling the keffiyeh an “anti-war” scarf is extremely misleading.
Arafat funded and fueled terrorism during his reign. He supported heinous attacks against Israelis by groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad while simultaneously signing “peace agreements.” Interestingly enough the Oslo Accords were referred to as a scam by a so-called “moderate” Palestinian leader, Faisel al-Husseini, in an interview with the Egyptian newspaper Al-Arabi. Al-Husseini likened the work of the PLO to “a Trojan Horse.” He said, “We are lying to the Jews and cheating them.” Perhaps Urban Outfitters and other outlets should reconsider the name of their keffiyeh scarves — “Pro-Terror/Intifada Scarf” would be a more appropriate name for the garment.
I took Musique Plus, the Québec equivalent to Much Music, to task a few months ago about one of their VJs wearing a keffieh on-air and got the "just a fashion item" response. I countered that this answer belied either an extremely naïve, uneducated, adolescent grasp of world politics and its symbols and icons or worse, a tacit acceptance of palestinian ideology and methods. I'm still waiting for their response.
I saw one the other day on an ever-so-hip young gay Vancouver resident while waiting for the light to change at a crosswalk. I even complimented him on it: "Nice terrorist scarf!" He looked at me with a completely clueless expression. Keep calling them on it and maybe it will sink into their tiny hipster brains.
I agree totally. People who wear them dont even know the meaning of them or the colours... White/Red popular with Hamas and White/Black with Fatah... I think people should dont wearing them.
Mate you have serious problems. The keffiyeh is a piece of cloth that is really good at keeping the sun off your head and the sand off your face, it is worn all over the Arab world not just by Palestinians (US soldiers wear them). You're right that a particular black and white pattern has come to symbolize the Palestinian struggle but to different Palestinians it symbolizes different things, like a peaceful end to the violence. The pattern that caused all the controversy wasn't even the Palestinian one. Also you can't group every Palestinian with terrorism; they're in an awkward position. If you think about it rationally the Palestinian militants and Israeli militants are as bad as each other.
By the way I'm from the UK and we don't have this problem here. Lots of people wear the scarves and no one cares. I don't understand you Americans some times, just stop being angry.
I COMPLETELY agree with Chris. Saying that all Palestinians are "terrorists" is not only ludicrous, but bigoted and ignorant. Way to perpetuate the stereotype of the dumb westerner.
the keffiyeh is not a terrorist symbol, its a piece of clothing made to keep the sand out of ones face or eyes, its also worn during winter to keep one warm, yes red and white is a associated with hamas and black and white associated with fatah.
oh and before you start calling people terrorist you might want to look at the backround of the israeli-palestinian war and ask yourself why are alot of israelis ashamed to be israelies
To clarify, I believe the author of this rant says he is from Canada, not from the U.S. Unfortunately, it seems that the Canadian Government is even more beholden to Israeli/Zionist influences than our own. This was demonstrated by the ban of British MP George Galloway, a critic of Israel, by the Canadians last month. Meanwhile he has toured the United States from coast to coast. It is unfortunate that instead of thinking of those Palestinians who are being murdered and starved to death, some are more worried about musicians and "hipsters" sporting keffiehs.
All this fuss over a scarf? Good grief. I thought I was sick of political correctness before. I own two keffiyeh's and I wear them. Am I a supporter or Hamas or the P.L.O.? NO. Neither am I a supporter of Israel. People need to stop seeing demons behind every bush and rock.
That is stupid, it is a piece of cotton that is amazing at difereint things and that started in middle east, nothing wrong with it. Even the military from many parts of the world use it so shut up.
you are ignorant. That's like saying wearing brown is supporting the Nazi's, and it is paranoid idiots like you that cause mass hysteria in this already messed up country.
I disagree. The United Nations had no right to give the land that is now Israel to the Jewish People. It belongs to the Palestinians, who don't want to eradicate the Jewish people, they just want their own country. Is that wrong? To want a home for ones people?
I agree with what a lot of people have been saying here, its just a piece of clothing. The person who said "nice terrorist scarf" is ignorant. Its people like you that make me ashamed to be american, and only further the stereotype that we are all ignorant asses.
A better question to ask people who are wearing this fashion statement is "How was Mecca?" and when they are confused ask "so you are not a Muslim who has made the pilgrimage? You know some people would find it offensive that you are mocking their religious symbols."
As usual the American right displays its ignorance, stupidity and bigotry. Without going into the issue that in the Middle East it is the Americans and the Israeli army that are the terrorists I would point out that the Keffiyeh has a long and proud history, is a practical garment, and looks great. I wear mine with pride and in solidarity with the palestinian cause.
I can only be sorry for you and your silly little ideas.
You are all so ignorant. Nobody ever thinks that maybe the media is putting across a biased point of view. Aren't the Israelis terrorists?? They kill women and children. And remeber Americans the US Government funds this. And hey what would any American do if they were occupied...errr fight back! At least you have guns to use most Palestinians only have rocks!!!
Israelis even wear the keffiyehs too. As a member of the US Army I also wear one when off duty that I had bought overseas. The owner of this webpage is ignorant.
They are a piece of cloth, worn by all types of people from all religions in the middle east. My cousin is a soldier in Iraq and wears one. Why don't you try and say all people who wear turbans are terrorists? Ignorant fool.
It's a scarf dude, soldiers are issued similar ones and it doesn't have any particular meaning by assigning one you are only giving that way of thinking power.
tl;dr that's fucking retarded
Ignorance is bliss.... that is directed to you. Not the "indie" "hipster" kids. What a disgrace to the gay community you are.
Most Americans wearing a Keffiyeh don't know what they are wearing, and the excuse that it keeps one warm... if you ever wore one, you would know that is incorrect. It is made of extremeley thin cloth, it is meant to keep the sun off of your head and neck, not a winter garment.
No one should not generalize against Palestinians, or Israel for that matter. And the douche bag who called Israelis the terrorists... stfu you are just another stupid liberal.
I live in the SF bay area, I myself am rather liberal... but you are a fuckin prick
I just received one I ordered directly from the Palestine Region. It was made by a Palestinian Women's Cooperative Business. A Business owned by women in the middle east is something I support. Just as I support the supposed "terrorist" who are trying to protect their land from Israelis. I don't wear it as a fashion statement, I wear it as a political statement.
BTW: I'm not gay or hip or popular or trendy. I wear Wal-Mart jeans and generic shirts.
-Your Anti-American, hippy, commie, terrorist.
It's a piece of cloth.
This is preposterous on so many levels. What a schmuck this guy(and whatever other idiot out there who support his beliefs)is for perpetuating such a nasty, uninformed stereotype. The Palestinians are in an impossible position and have been for a very long time. Yes Hamas and other organizations who have been known to wear such scarves have set a few bombs off, but so have their Israeli counterparts. It would take a stage 5 imbecile to call a group of people who are willing to die to gain political freedom terrorists-especially when to many Palestinians, the same people we call terrorists they call freedom fighters...think about it.
If you don't know what the Kaffiyeh represents, don't wear it. I'm tired of ignorant, slobbering people wearing it because they think it's "trendy." You are not an Arab. Don't try to be one.
Generalizing all these arab scarves as meaning the same negative, "terrorist supporting" thing is just as ignorant as wearing it for fashions-sake. I'm a white american who grew up in Saudi Arabia, and personally own a couple. I love wearing them, they're useful for all sorts of things, but just because one small, radical group uses them doesn't mean it means the same for everyone. In Saudi, its merely a culturally neutral thing to wear, just like its culturally normal for a baseball player to wear a hat. Let me repeat: NOT EVERY KEFFIYEH/SHEMAGH/GHUTRAH SUPPORTS SOME TERRORIST IDEAL. For the majority of the arab population, they're as normal and as unoffensive as a baseball cap.
thanks for the heads-up! I've been looking everywhere for a Palestinian scarf, I never thought to look at Urban Outfitters though.
I think I am going to start wearing a keffiyah, move to ottawa and hope I run into you. You are a biggot and a blight on the canadian community. Obviously you have no common sense so I am not about to try and change your mind but Israel is not supposed to exist; People don't just randomely get a country they left thousands of years ago back -it's not right, you're not right and get out of canada you don't deserve such a great country.
Hi, I am actually wearing one of the said Keffiyeh, brought back from my step sister from a trip to Israel/Palestine! Am am very proud to be wearing it as I make a statement while doing so! I am saying "I support the Palestine cause, and I support a country for them"
this is what wearing the keffiyeh means!
To all of you people saying it's a terrortist scarf, first stop being so ignorant, get edducated and then we'll talk.
It is a powerful symbol, same as wearing a che guevara shirt, but it has notting to do with being pro-terrorism!
It's quite amusing to read these comments. "terrorist scarf" "Palestinian terror". "White & red popular with Hamas". Ignorance seems to thrive here. Red and white are also popular with the USA seeing as it our whole flag is covered with it. The scarf and its origin has nothing to do with "terrorism" or what ever stupid shit you retards seems to think. It's a scar designed to help with the climate in which it was made. And to be honest it looks damn good when worn correctly. And i'd also like to mention that the Israli defence force is the biggest terrorist organization in the world. Only difference between them and other terrorist groups, is that they don't have to hide and are sanctioned by the UN. Not much to expect from ignorant red neck hicks I suppose. People who say, "I think people should dont wearing them." obviously lack the mental capacity to understand what I'm saying. Giving a bad name to Gays and Conservatives one blog post at a time.
Yet another brainwashed Zionist making himself out to be a moron.
Kill yourself, ZOG-lover.
QUOTE MacD: "Nice terrorist scarf".
END QUOTE; what a lame, idiotic comment. I bet the lad you made the comment to gave you a clueless expression, I think most sensible people would do the same thing.
QUOTE Anonymous (at 9:49am): "People who wear them don't even know the meaning of them or the colours" END QUOTE; And in one sentence you've shown you have no idea of the 'meaning' of them either.
QUOTE Just being honest: "I'm still waiting for their response". END QUOTE; I expect you'll be waiting for a long time then. What the heck has it got to do with you if someone wears a piece of Arab dress as a fashion statement? If this is some sort of heinous crime then please tell the UK, USA, Aussie and NZ Armed Forces to stop wearing them as well.
Never have I read so much tripe over a piece of cloth!
Is NOT a religeous piece of cloth anymore than a balaclava is (you'll remember those....the IRA wore them). Nor is it the sole property of the Palestinians anymore than the ushanka is the sole property of the Russians.
No matter how clever you think you are trust me, you're not. Grow up, slow down and smell the roses; it's a piece of cloth....that's all.
Oh, and I never have any problems wearing mine when I attend Palestine Solidarity Campaign events.
Chris is right just because one person who must or may not be bad (I do not personally know) wears one doesn't mean it represents them
I am in the united states air force and I agree with you 100%. There are people on both sides who take this too far.
GayandRight is so terribly GayandWrong!
On the fashion topic: It's a piece of cloth, nothing more, nothing less-
To ask someone who is wearing this SCARF how they "like Mecca", or "nice terrorist scarf" will only place your ignorance and racism on full display for all to see-
On the political front: Israel is an Apartheid state, a "nation" which violates more international treaties, laws and agreements than any other 10 nations combined-
Learn a few things before you parrot whatever some racist hate-monger spouts, you'll look far less ignorant, far less racist and perhaps a little less despicable than you do currently-
Um somebody up there said "white/red" is "popular with Hamas"... while this is true, white/red keffiyehs more traditionally are associated with Jordanian nationalism. Do some research next time.
I wear trousers and so did Adolf Hitler! Presumably I'm therefore a fascist......sometimes you can stare at your navel for too long......
I think they are pretty cool and utilitarian. I'm going to buy one for that reason, not because I support / don't support Palestine.
PS I think Palestinians have suffered way too much, without having a go at their traditional clothing as well.
Im gonna buy one and wear it.
It's really rather sad that these little hipsters of today take something with a terrible meaning behind it and turn it into a fashion statement. It's the same thing the gay community has done with the pink triangle. Would gay people use the pink triangle if they new that it was a symbol Nazi Germany used to ID homosexuals? This generation is way to liberal.
Calm the fuck down. It's a fucking scarf.
Australian solders used the shemagh since the Vietnam War, and various coalition forces have relied on it in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. military has adopted an olive drab version with black stitching – a reversal of policy, which saw the headdress banned during the Gulf War of 1991.The British SAS used them in WW2 and the Persia Gulf War. And most of them are actually made in China these days.
I'm going to buy a bike to start riding it on a daily basis (commuting to/from work), so I just bought an olive drab coloured shemagh to protect my face 'cause our roads are really nasty and dusty. And I see no political issues in wearing them, but if some jews see my shemagh as a "fuck off" message, then it's still OK because they deserve it for what they have done to my and other european countries. Glory to Ukraine!
As someone that has lived in that region for many years and travelled a lot, I can safely say that this is an item worn by people of different creeds and backgrounds. It has absolutely nothing to do with religion, nor does it have anything to do with ultra-nationalism, it is merely a scarf that serves a practical purpose. If you have a counter argument, base it on peer reviewed historical journals or input from individuals that have traveled and familiarized themselves with the given region. Otherwise, quiet down and carry on.
Calling the oppressed a terror and calling the oppressors a peaceful doesn't make things right, and doesn't make your propaganda a truthful one.
You are some random fag who support zionists and Jewish supremacy, but hiding behind gay rights trendy sympathy are as shitty as your boyfriend 's dickbutt after having sex with your ass.
You know in Israel the Jews stab guys like you and want them all dead.
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