The picture the French don't want you to see....

Thanks to Vlad Tepes for sending this to me.
This is a picture of Ilan Halimi being held captive. His executors are on trial, and the French are trying to keep this picture out of public circulation.
The photo is worthy of the name of the magazine whose cover it adorns: “Shock” or “Choc” in French. It shows a man whose head has been wrapped in duct tape. His face is completely covered except for a small space that has been left for his nose. The nose is bloodied. The man’s hands are bound in front of him, likewise with tape. A key chain has been hung on his fingers: perhaps to help identify him or perhaps as a subtle threat to his family or friends. The man is seated in front of an orange and purple drape, evidently to hide his surroundings. A copy of the Parisian daily Le Parisien has been propped up on his arms in front of his chest, thus indicating the date. Emerging from off frame, a gloved-hand holds a gun pressed against the man’s temple. The man in the photo is Ilan Halimi: the 23-year-old French Jew who was kidnapped, tormented, and killed by a self-styled “gang of barbarians” in the Parisian banlieue in early 2006.
This proves two things:
1) the "Religion of Peace" is just propaganda spewed by useful idiots in "civilized" countries.
2) France (and the rest of Europe) have already capitulated to Islam and forfeit any future claim to sovereignty separate from religion.
Young activist..judging by your bio, you are a leftist and probably agree with some of the methods used by people you consider 'freedom fighters'
The world's a dangerous place..the sooner you wise up and stop living the fantasy of the Kafiya and manifesto, the better off you will be.
I will ask you, what is your definition of terrorism, if not this?
Do you believe there is Islamic religious inspired terrorism?
Aboriginal French people are cowards, the Islamic Republic of France will not belong to them for very long. Then they will mutter 'Je regrette' under their breath... oh well...
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