
My name is Fred and I am a gay conservative living in Ottawa. This blog supports limited government, the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security, and tries to expose the threat to us all from cultural relativism, post-modernism, and radical Islam. I am also the founder of the Free Thinking Film Society in Ottawa (

Friday, September 01, 2006

Is Chavez working with Hezbollah in Venezuela???

Does anybody know if this is accurate?
On the Venezuelan side of the Guajira Peninsula, a territory shared with Colombia, the members of the tribe of the Wayuu walk across political boundaries without restrain. They were there before Venezuela and Colombia existed and they think of themselves as a nation. Recently a disturbing group has appeared, as alien visitors, in their desert landscape: Hezbollah. The Islamic fanatics of Hezbollah are rapidly infiltrating the tribe of the Wayuu. They are indoctrinating the members of this tribe, to convert them into Islamic fanatics in charge of disseminating the terrorist message that has already created chaos, death and misery in the Middle East. The Hezbollah group invading Venezuela is doing its work openly in the Venezuelan side of the Guajira Peninsula. They are disseminating, via Internet, a strategy "to change Venezuela," including:

Total destruction "of the sex industry" (whatever that means),

Attacking the upper classes, "who are the most corrupt," all white collar criminals and continuing the cleaning downwards,

Attacking corruption in government (not such a bad idea) and in the masses, both civilians and military,

Attacking false idols and satanic cults, as defined by them.

The logo adorning the main page and document is an AK-47 rifle. The propaganda appearing on the Web presence of the Venezuelan subsidiary of Hezbollah [hosted by Microsoft] talks about installing the kingdom of God in Venezuela by imposing a military-theocratic type of government, an explosive mixture similar to what already exists in Iran. It claims: "The brief enjoyment of life on earth is selfish. The other life is better for those who follow Allah." Where have we heard this before? In the leaflets that encourage the suicide missions of children and teenagers in Palestine.

Is the Venezuelan Hezbollah for real or is just the product of pranksters with a macabre sense of humor? Available photographs suggest they are for real. This ghoulish presence in Venezuelan territory certainly deserves an immediate investigation and decisive action, if true, to eradicate such a horrible pest from our country. The problem is that Chávez is supporting Hezbollah in the Middle East and will most probably support their criminal work in Venezuela. Would the U.N. or the OAS take note?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's very accurate

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the article does not imply chavez is working with Hezbollah in Venezuela. However, Chavez is working with Hezbollah in the Middle East... there is plenty on the Web to verify that. Trust your instincts. BTW, nice to ready about Freddy's party. Queen played in Venezuela and there has never been anything like it since.

4:55 PM  
Blogger K. Shoshana said...

Last spring there was a rumor that Chavez has bought a bank in Beirut and there are implications that the Chavez government is involved with Hezbollah money laundrying. Most of the Hezbollah activity is based on the Margarita Islands.

There is also extensive information that Hezbollah has been operating unhindered in Venezuela for some time by the Chavez government.

Here's a link to a US Senate report on Hezbollah's activities worldwide.

2:55 AM  

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