
My name is Fred and I am a gay conservative living in Ottawa. This blog supports limited government, the right of the State of Israel to live in peace and security, and tries to expose the threat to us all from cultural relativism, post-modernism, and radical Islam. I am also the founder of the Free Thinking Film Society in Ottawa (

Friday, May 15, 2009

Literature of Farrakhan in Ottawa...

One of my friends - the author of the Vlad Tepes blog - was walking in downtown Ottawa last night and was handed some literature from a Louis Farrakhan supporter. It was a 3-page handout of one of Farrakhan's speeches - actually, part 3 of something called "The Resurrection of the Dead". So, I unfortunately don't have the first two parts.

I read the whole thing, but I really can't understand it. Usually, you get religious pamphlets that talk about the age of the earth being 6,000 years. In this one, he talks about "the splitting of the moon" which took place 66 trillion years ago!

Here's more about the splitting of the moon:
Elijah Muhammed said that Allah taught him that at one time we made history to last for 35,000 years, when the earth and the moon were one planet. But one of our scientists wanted the people to speak one language and became disappointed that he could not get them to speak the same dialect or the same language. So, he decided to destroy the earth and those of us who lived on it.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammed said Allah taught him that they drilled a hole into the earth and filled it with a type of explosive that is far greater than the dynamite used in this world, and, the scientist ignited it, thinking that he was going to kill everybody; and a part of it [now called the moon] was blasted off 36,000 miles and the part that we are on fell 12,000 miles into the pocket of rotation that it now occupies. The water that was on that part now called moon fell back to this part. So that part called moon has no water. The earth is now three-quarters water; and the fact that the moon is constantly trying to get back the water it lost is a sign of equality, because the moon equalizes the waters of the earth and keeps the water from drowning out civilization.
Now, you know a bit more about the history of the earth and the moon.


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