Here's an e-mail I just received:
I'm a gay kiwi and I haven't really read your blog site. I couldn't. I visited the site with a degree of hope. . . an expectation of intelligence, openness and absence of prejudice. Alas it was not to be. . . . in fact the site an disturbed me. It disturbed me to realise that the arrogance of your arguments (in the sense of refusing to admit the rights of palestinIans) makes me wonder why I'm botheing to respond. Probably becos i have a niaeve belief that gay people have a potential to make a differencce, becos we are different -- to make a more positive analysis . . one that recognises that there are other points of view. . . other ways of being.
Sadly your partisan views demonstrate that we (ie homosexuals) are not special or sensitive, but merely mortals subejct to, and advocates for, the prejudice of generations past.
My god! Gay people are NOT special. We are just ordinary people, like anybody else.
As for Palestinian rights - well, I want them to live in peace side-by-side with Israel. Unfortunately, they have not chosen that path. They could have had their independent state 6 years ago at Camp David, but they couldn't even come up with a counter-offer to Ehud Barak. Instead they launced a suicidal war against Israel that has left them impoverished. Only when the Palestinians decide that they love their children MORE than they hate the Israelies, will we have peace.